Developer Logs

Every once in awhile I hit a (technical) wall, stumble upon a great tool or look for a reason to improve my English.
This is my place to share, welcome to my logs.

Edit And Continue, Running IIS Express 64-bit mode

Quickblog this time, had some troubles running my web-application today and started Googling. Turns out that IIS Express is configurated to run 32-bit mode by default. Since I'm running on a 64-bit machine this was kind of a surprise for me.

Set IIS Express to 64-bit mode:

  1. Start Visual Studio and click on ToolsOptions.
  2. From the tree: Projects and Solutions, then Web Projects.
  3. And make sure that Use the 64 bit version of IIS Express for web sites and projects is checked (press OK)

Now that was easy, it fixed my broken web-application and enabled Edit And Continue

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